Congratulations to Rendi Kurniadi Atang and Irani Medisa Natania on their successful election as the leader and vice leader of ELLSA 2024!
Atang got 65% of the votes, while Irani got 66.7%. Your commitment and vision have clearly resonated with ELLSA’S members, and we are excited to see what we will achieve together.
To those who did not win this time, we want to thank your efforts and participation. We encourage you to continue contributing your ideas and energy to ELLSA, as every voice is essential in our journey forward.
We hope that Atang and Medisa will lead ELLSA with integrity and passion, fulfilling you’re vision and mission. We trust that you’re leadership will bring positive changes and growth to our organization, and we look forward to a bright and successful year ahead with you’re as the leader.😊🙏
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Selamat Memperingati Isra Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW 27 Rajab 1445 Hijriah